Collected Images


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Cote d'Azur and Paris Summer 2008

  • Place Masséna in Nice

    • Place Masséna in Nice
  • Beaches and Waterfront of Nice

    • Beaches and Waterfront of Nice
  • Around the city of Nice

    • Around the city of Nice
  • Day Trip to Entrevaux

    • Day Trip to Entrevaux
  • Day Trip to Menton

    • Day Trip to Menton
  • Paris - Jardin du Luxembourg

    • Paris - Jardin du Luxembourg
  • Paris - Bastille Day Military Parade

    • Paris - Bastille Day Military Parade
  • Paris - Random shots

    • Paris - Random shots
  • Food...Wine...Food...Wine...

    • Food...Wine...Food...Wine...
  • Erin's visit to Parc Asterix

    • Erin's visit to Parc Asterix
  • Erin in Paris for EF Orientation

    • Erin in Paris for EF Orientation